# Configuration

Your application configuration lives in the config folder. All the configuration files are loaded on startup and can be accessed through the configuration provider.

When you have a file ./config/server.js with the following config:

module.exports = {
  host: '',

You can access it as

strapi.config.get('server.host', 'defaultValueIfUndefined');

Nested keys are accessible with dot-notation.


Notice that the filename is used as a prefix to access the configurations.

# Formats

You can either use .js or .json files to configure your application.

When using a .js you can either export an object:

module.exports = {
  mySecret: 'someValue',

or a function returning a configuration object (recommended usage). The function will get access to the env utility.

module.exports = ({ env }) => {
  return {
    mySecret: 'someValue',

# Environment variables

In most use cases you will have different configurations between your environments. For example: your database credentials.

Instead of writing those credentials into your configuration files, you can define those variables in a .env file at the root of your application.


Path — .env


If you want to customize the path of the .env file to load you can set an environment variable called ENV_PATH before starting your application:

$ ENV_PATH=/absolute/path/to/.env npm run start

Now you can access those variables in your configuration files and application. You can use process.env.{varName} to access those variables anywhere.

In your configuration files you will have access to a env utility that allows defining defaults and casting values.

Path — ./config/database.js

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  connections: {
    default: {
      settings: {
        password: env('DATABASE_PASSWORD'),

# Casting environment variables

// Returns the env if defined without casting it
env('VAR', 'default');

// Cast to int (using parseInt)
env.int('VAR', 0);

// Cast to float (using parseFloat)
env.float('VAR', 3.14);

// Cast to boolean (check if the value is equal to 'true')
env.bool('VAR', true);

// Cast to js object (using JSON.parse)
env.json('VAR', { key: 'value' });

// Cast to an array (syntax: ENV_VAR=[value1, value2, value3] | ENV_VAR=["value1", "value2", "value3"])
env.array('VAR', [1, 2, 3]);

// Case to date (using new Date(value))
env.date('VAR', new Date());

# Environments

What if you need specific static configurations for specific environments and using environment variables becomes tedious?

Strapi configurations can also be created per environment in ./config/env/{env}/{filename}. These configurations will be merged into the base configurations defined in the ./config folder. The environment is based on the NODE_ENV environment variable (defaults to development).

When starting Strapi with NODE_ENV=production it will load the configuration from ./config/* and ./config/env/production/*. Everything defined in the production config will override the default config.

In combination with environment variables this pattern becomes really powerful:



module.exports = {
  host: '',


module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  host: env('HOST', ''),

When you start your application

yarn start
# uses host
NODE_ENV=production yarn start
# uses host
HOST= NODE_ENV=production yarn start
# uses host

# Server

Path — ./config/server.js.

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  host: env('HOST', ''),
  port: env.int('PORT', 1337),

Available options

Property Description Type Default
host Host name string localhost
port Port on which the server should be running. integer 1337
socket Listens on a socket. Host and port are cosmetic when this option is provided and likewise use url to generate proper urls when using this option. This option is useful for running a server without exposing a port and using proxy servers on the same machine (e.g Heroku nginx buildpack) string | integer /tmp/nginx.socket
emitErrors Enable errors to be emitted to koa when they happen in order to attach custom logic or use error reporting services. boolean false
url Public url of the server. Required for many different features (ex: reset password, third login providers etc.). Also enables proxy support such as Apache or Nginx, example: https://mywebsite.com/api. The url can be relative, if so, it is used with http://${host}:${port} as the base url. An absolute url is however recommended. string ''
proxy Set the koa variable app.proxy. When true, proxy header fields will be trusted. boolean false
cron Cron configuration (powered by node-schedule) Object
cron.enabled Enable or disable CRON tasks to schedule jobs at specific dates. boolean false
admin Admin panel configuration Object
admin.auth Authentication configuration Object
admin.auth.secret Secret used to encode JWT tokens string undefined
admin.url Url of your admin panel. Default value: /admin. Note: If the url is relative, it will be concatenated with url. string /admin
admin.autoOpen Enable or disabled administration opening on start. boolean true
admin.watchIgnoreFiles Add custom files that should not be watched during development. See more here (property ignored). Array(string) []
admin.host Use a different host for the admin panel. Only used along with strapi develop --watch-admin string localhost
admin.port Use a different port for the admin panel. Only used along with strapi develop --watch-admin string 8000
admin.serveAdminPanel If false, the admin panel won't be served. Note: the index.html will still be served, see defaultIndex option boolean true
admin.forgotPassword Settings to customize the forgot password email (see more here: Forgot Password Email) Object {}
admin.forgotPassword.emailTemplate Email template as defined in email plugin Object Default template
admin.forgotPassword.from Sender mail address string Default value defined in your provider configuration
admin.forgotPassword.replyTo Default address or addresses the receiver is asked to reply to string Default value defined in your provider configuration


Path — ./config/api.js.

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  responses: {
    privateAttributes: ['_v', 'id', 'created_at'],

Available options

Property Description Type Default
responses Global API response configuration Object
responses.privateAttributes Set of globally defined attributes to be treated as private. E.g. _v when using MongoDb or timestamps like created_at, updated_at can be treated as private String array []

# Functions

The ./config/functions/ folder contains a set of JavaScript files in order to add dynamic and logic based configurations.

All functions that are exposed in this folder are accessible via strapi.config.functions['fileName']();

# Bootstrap

Path — ./config/functions/bootstrap.js.

The bootstrap function is called at every server start. You can use it to add a specific logic at this moment of your server's lifecycle.

Here are some use cases:

  • Create an admin user if there isn't one.
  • Fill the database with some necessary data.
  • Load some environment variables.

The bootstrap function can be synchronous or asynchronous.


module.exports = () => {
  // some sync code

Return a promise

module.exports = () => {
  return new Promise(/* some code */);


module.exports = async () => {
  await someSetup();

# CRON tasks

CRON tasks allow you to schedule jobs (arbitrary functions) for execution at specific dates, with optional recurrence rules. It only uses a single timer at any given time (rather than reevaluating upcoming jobs every second/minute).

This feature is powered by node-schedule node modules. Check it for more information.


Make sure the enabled cron config is set to true in ./config/server.js file.

The cron format consists of:

*    *    *    *    *    *
┬    ┬    ┬    ┬    ┬    ┬
│    │    │    │    │    |
│    │    │    │    │    └ day of week (0 - 7) (0 or 7 is Sun)
│    │    │    │    └───── month (1 - 12)
│    │    │    └────────── day of month (1 - 31)
│    │    └─────────────── hour (0 - 23)
│    └──────────────────── minute (0 - 59)
└───────────────────────── second (0 - 59, OPTIONAL)

To define a CRON job, add your logic like below:

Path — ./config/functions/cron.js.

module.exports = {
   * Simple example.
   * Every monday at 1am.

  '0 0 1 * * 1': () => {
    // Add your own logic here (e.g. send a queue of email, create a database backup, etc.).

# Database ORM customization

When present, they are loaded to let you customize your database connection instance, for example for adding some plugin, customizing parameters, etc.

You will need to install the plugin using the normal npm install the-plugin-name or any of the other supported package tools such as yarn then follow the below examples to load them.

# Database

This file lets you define database connections that will be used to store your application content.

You can find supported database and versions in the local installation process.

Path — ./config/database.js.

# Example

Path — ./config/database.js.


Take a look at the database's guide for more details.

# Configuration in database

Configuration files are not multi server friendly. So we created a data store for config you will want to update in production.

# Get settings

  • environment (string): Sets the environment you want to store the data in. By default it's current environment (can be an empty string if your config is environment agnostic).
  • type (string): Sets if your config is for an api, plugin or core. By default it's core.
  • name (string): You have to set the plugin or api name if type is api or plugin.
  • key (string, required): The name of the key you want to store.
// strapi.store(object).get(object);

// create reusable plugin store variable
const pluginStore = strapi.store({
  environment: strapi.config.environment,
  type: 'plugin',
  name: 'users-permissions',

await pluginStore.get({ key: 'grant' });

# Set settings

  • value (any, required): The value you want to store.
// strapi.store(object).set(object);

// create reusable plugin store variable
const pluginStore = strapi.store({
  environment: strapi.config.environment,
  type: 'plugin',
  name: 'users-permissions'

await pluginStore.set({
  key: 'grant',
  value: {