# Plugin's front-end settings API

As plugins developer you may need to add some settings into the main application Settings view (it corresponds to the Settings link located in the menu). To do so an API is available in order for a plugin to add links into the main view.

These settings can be declared directly into the main plugin object so they will dynamically be injected into the view.

# Adding a setting

The front-end part of a plugin exports a function which registers the plugin in the administration panel. The argument is composed of two main parameters:

  • registerPlugin: Function
  • settingsBaseURL: String

Each plugin that comes with a setting object will create a new section into the view's menu.

The menu section can be declared as follows:

Path — plugins/my-plugin/admin/src/index.js.

import pluginPkg from '../../package.json';
import pluginId from './pluginId';

export default strapi => {
  const pluginDescription = pluginPkg.strapi.description || pluginPkg.description;

  // Declare the links that will be injected into the settings menu
  const menuSection = {
    // Unique id of the section
    id: pluginId,
    // Title of Menu section using i18n
    title: {
      id: `${pluginId}.foo`,
      defaultMessage: 'Super cool setting',
    // Array of links to be displayed
    links: [
        // Using string
        title: 'Setting page 1',
        to: `${strapi.settingsBaseURL}/${pluginId}/setting1`,
        name: 'setting1',
        permissions: [{ action: 'plugins::my-plugin.action-name', subject: null }], // This key is not mandatory it can be null, undefined or an empty array
        // Using i18n with a corresponding translation key
        title: {
          id: `${pluginId}.bar`,
          defaultMessage: 'Setting page 2',
        to: `${strapi.settingsBaseURL}/${pluginId}/setting2`,
        name: 'setting2',
        // Define a specific component if needed:
        Component: () => <div />,

  const plugin = {
    blockerComponent: null,
    blockerComponentProps: {},
    description: pluginDescription,
    icon: pluginPkg.strapi.icon,
    id: pluginId,
    initializer: () => null,
    injectedComponents: [],
    isReady: true,
    mainComponent: null,
    name: pluginPkg.strapi.name,
    preventComponentRendering: false,
    settings: {
    trads: {},

  return strapi.registerPlugin(plugin);

At this point, the plugin creates a new section (Super cool setting) which will contains two links Setting page 1 and Setting page 2 these links don't point to any component as the corresponding one as not been declared yet.

# Declaring the setting Component

The exported Setting component which receives settingsBaseURL as props in order to generate a dynamic routing which should be used to associate the two endpoints created with their corresponding components.

With the configuration from above we could easily create our plugin Settings view.

Path — plugins/my-plugin/admin/src/containers/Settings/index.js.

import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import pluginId from '../../pluginId';

const SettingPage1 = () => (
    <h1>Setting Page 1</h1>
const SettingPage2 = () => (
    <h1>Setting Page 2</h1>

const Settings = ({ settingsBaseURL }) => {
  return (
      <Route component={SettingPage1} path={`${settingsBaseURL}/${pluginId}/setting1`} />
      <Route component={SettingPage2} path={`${settingsBaseURL}/${pluginId}/setting2`} />

Settings.propTypes = {
  settingsBaseURL: PropTypes.string.isRequired,

export default Settings;

Now that the Settings component is declared in your plugin the only thing left is to add it to your settings configuration:

Path — plugins/my-plugin/admin/src/index.js.

import pluginPkg from '../../package.json';
// Import the component
import Settings from './containers/Settings';
import pluginId from './pluginId';

export default strapi => {
  const pluginDescription = pluginPkg.strapi.description || pluginPkg.description;

  // Declare the links that will be injected into the settings menu
  const menuSection = {
    id: pluginId,
    title: {
      id: `${pluginId}.foo`,
      defaultMessage: 'Super cool setting',
    links: [
        title: 'Setting page 1',
        to: `${strapi.settingsBaseURL}/${pluginId}/setting1`,
        name: 'setting1',
        permissions: [{ action: 'plugins::my-plugin.action-name', subject: null }],
        title: {
          id: `${pluginId}.bar`,
          defaultMessage: 'Setting page 2',
        to: `${strapi.settingsBaseURL}/${pluginId}/setting2`,
        name: 'setting2',

  const plugin = {
    blockerComponent: null,
    blockerComponentProps: {},
    description: pluginDescription,
    icon: pluginPkg.strapi.icon,
    id: pluginId,
    initializer: () => null,
    injectedComponents: [],
    isReady: true,
    mainComponent: null,
    name: pluginPkg.strapi.name,
    preventComponentRendering: false,
    settings: {
      mainComponent: Settings,
    trads: {},

  return strapi.registerPlugin(plugin);

# Adding a setting into the global section

In order to add a link into the global section of the settings view you need to create a global array containing the links you want to add:

Path — plugins/my-plugin/admin/src/index.js.

import pluginPkg from '../../package.json';
// Import the component
import Settings from './containers/Settings';
import SettingLink from './components/SettingLink';
import pluginId from './pluginId';

export default strapi => {
  const pluginDescription = pluginPkg.strapi.description || pluginPkg.description;

  // Declare the links that will be injected into the settings menu
  const menuSection = {
    id: pluginId,
    title: {
      id: `${pluginId}.foo`,
      defaultMessage: 'Super cool setting',
    links: [
        title: 'Setting page 1',
        to: `${strapi.settingsBaseURL}/${pluginId}/setting1`,
        name: 'setting1',
        title: {
          id: `${pluginId}.bar`,
          defaultMessage: 'Setting page 2',
        to: `${strapi.settingsBaseURL}/${pluginId}/setting2`,
        name: 'setting2',

  const plugin = {
    blockerComponent: null,
    blockerComponentProps: {},
    description: pluginDescription,
    icon: pluginPkg.strapi.icon,
    id: pluginId,
    initializer: () => null,
    injectedComponents: [],
    isReady: true,
    mainComponent: null,
    name: pluginPkg.strapi.name,
    preventComponentRendering: false,
    settings: {
      // Add a link into the global section of the settings view
      global: {
        links: [
            title: 'Setting link 1',
            to: `${strapi.settingsBaseURL}/setting-link-1`,
            name: 'settingLink1',
            Component: SettingLink,
            // Bool : https://reacttraining.com/react-router/web/api/Route/exact-bool
            exact: false,
            permissions: [{ action: 'plugins::my-plugin.action-name', subject: null }],
      mainComponent: Settings,
    trads: {},

  return strapi.registerPlugin(plugin);


It is currently not possible to add a link into another plugin's setting section